
The 40-Day journey through Psalms Book 1 is an opportunity for daily reading and reflection through the first forty-one Psalms (known as Book 1). Participants will individually read each day’s scripture selection from the reading schedule. A guest facilitator will share a brief reflection about the day’s reading that will be posted on New Life Assembly’s website and social media pages.

We are excited to share this journey together; feel free to invite others to take this journey with us! Click the button below to download the PDF with instructions and the full reading schedule.


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  • How it Works
    Simply follow the reading schedule and read daily passages from Book 1 of Psalms. After you’ve read the passage, visit the website or social media post and read the reflection from the facilitator for that day. Within the social media posts, you can engage in moderated comments and discussion with others who are on the reading journey with you. It will be a great opportunity for participants to share insights and encouragement from God’s word with each other.

    Daily Reflections
    The heart and soul of this journey can be found in the daily reflections. We believe that God’s word can and does speak to us, both individually and corporately. Sometimes a particular verse, Bible character, or story leaps out to us from the pages of our Bible in very real and meaningful ways. Daily reflections are a way to capture those moments of significance for ourselves and then share with others. We encourage believers from all places along the spiritual path to write down their insights and inspirations in a reading journal. Seasoned believers, youth, new believers, those called to ministry – all have something meaningful to share.

    A reflection may come in a wide range of expressions. It may be something very specific to one’s life. It may be connecting this passage with other truths in the Bible. It may be seeing something interesting about God’s nature and how He moves and works in the world. The most important thing about these daily reflections is that they help the reader to find meaning in God’s word that is relevant and applicable to his or her life.

    A reflection doesn’t need to be long. It may be a sentence or two; two or three paragraphs are plenty. Take one big idea from the passage and share a thought or two about it. Sometimes the most powerful reflections are questions. Feel free to ask “what does this mean?” if you’d like. Or perhaps a particular story has special meaning to you because you see yourself in it. Testimonies are also a great way to reflect on God’s word.

  • As you take this 40-day journey with us, we need you to pick a day to be a facilitator and share your reflection with the other readers. We are all blessed and encouraged when we share together what God is saying to us through His word. Sign up for your day by contacting Pastor David or adding your name to a time slot on the 40 Days poster in the church foyer. You will receive confirmation of your chosen day with instructions about when and how to submit your reflections.

  • DAY 1

    Psalm 1, Psalm 2: The Way of the Righteous and the Wicked; The Reign of the LORD's Anointed

    Leanna Villalobos

    Reflection Psalm 1 and 2. These words hold true the Scriptures throughout the Bible. God's word tells us to be discerning of who we associate with and who we seek help and advice from. Always pray for guidance in all circumstances and do not be impulsive in our actions and reactions. We are to surround ourselves with Godly people. When we seek His righteousness, He always honors all that we do. Blessings will come to us. Not only have I been blessed, but my loved ones around me have been blessed. Return generational blessings come about to the faithful.

    Today's song from Psalm 2:8 -- Bob Kilpatrick & Steve Fry

    "Here Am I (Ask of Me)"

  • Day 2
    Psalm 3, Psalm 4: Save Me, O My God; Answer Me When I Call

    Juliana Barnett, Worship Pastor

    In Psalm 3 & 4, perhaps King David experiences the “five stages of grief” as defined by Elizabeth Kubler-Ross.


    STAGE 1 DENIAL - King David recognizes there are many enemies who want to destroy him, but perhaps the most unexpected enemy is his own son, Absalom. 

    STAGE 2 ANGER - In Psalm 3:1-2, David battles with his emotions claiming “there is no help for him in God”, but he quickly remembers that God is his “shield and the lifter of his head.”  Although David is grievous about his situation, he finds time to physically and emotionally rest. He finds solace in Romans 8:31 which says that “If God is for us, who can be against us?”

    STAGE 3 – BARGAINING - Psalm 3:7-8 David pleads with God and says, “Arise, O Lord” and recalls the times when God delivered not only him, but also when God delivered His people from danger. David concludes that if God delivered His people from their enemies in the past, He could once again, save him now.

    In Psalm 4, David passionately pleads to the Lord, “Have mercy on me, and hear my prayer.”  David begins his prayer by recalling a time when God was merciful, and he pleads for that same mercy.  Theologian, Charles Spurgeon said, “This is another instance of David’s common habit of pleading past mercies as a ground for present favour.” 

    STAGE 4 – DEPRESSION – David asks his enemies in Psalm 4, “How long, O you sons of men, will you turn my glory to shame? How long will you love worthlessness and seek falsehood?”  Here, David grieves the ungodly nature of his enemies.  He asks how long his enemies will keep living an ungodly life by spreading lies about him. 

    STAGE 5 – ACCEPTANCE - Psalms 4 reads like a pep talk.  David encourages himself to not be angry and to meditate on the truth of God’s word.  In verses 6-8 David notes the goodness of God. David remembers that God has put gladness in his heart even in tumultuous times.  He concludes that even in his distress he is able to rest and trust in the Lord.

    Today's song from Psalm 3: Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir

    "Thou O Lord"

  • Day 3
    Psalm 5: Lead Me in Your Righteousness

    New Life Facilitator

    Consider this insight from the great minister and theologian Charles H. Spurgeon:

    There are two sorts of prayers—those expressed in words, and the unuttered longings which abide as silent meditations. Words are not the essence but the garments of prayer. Moses at the Red Sea cried to God, though he said nothing. Yet the use of language may prevent distraction of mind, may assist the powers of the soul, and may excite devotion. David, we observe, uses both modes of prayer, and craves for the one a hearing, and for the other a consideration. 

    What an expressive word! "Consider my meditation." If I have asked that which is right, give it to me; if I have omitted to ask that which I most needed, fill up the vacancy in my prayer. "Consider my meditation." Let thy holy soul consider it as presented through my all-glorious Mediator: then regard thou it in thy wisdom, weigh it in the scales, judge thou of my sincerity, and of the true state of my necessities, and answer me in due time for thy mercy's sake! 

    There may be prevailing intercession where there are no words; and alas! there may be words where there is no true supplication. Let us cultivate the spirit of prayer which is even better than the habit of prayer. There may be seeming prayer where there is little devotion. We should begin to pray before we kneel down, and we should not cease when we rise up.

    Today's song from Psalm 5: Maranatha! Music
  • Day 4

    Psalm 6: O LORD, Deliver My Life

    Erica Avila

    Psalm 6 reminds me that we have a forgiving and merciful God. We can come to Him in any condition—weeping, angry, desperate, depressed, etc. and He will listen; in fact He already knows us and our circumstances. He loves us despite our sinful nature; and because of His unfailing love, kindness and mercy we can cry out to Him and He will forgive us instead of giving us what we may actually deserve. He will rescue us—think of the Parable of the Lost Sheep (Matthew 18:10-14)—and accepting, believing, and confessing to Him will sustain us along with His love and our obedience. He does not want us to go to the grave without knowing Him and He will rejoice in our salvation.

    Today's song from Psalm 6: The Shiyr Poets

    "Restore Me" (Psalm 6)

  • Day 5

    Psalm 7: In You Do I Take Refuge

    Ralph Bradshaw

    Psalm 7:1-2 says “O Lord my God, I take refuge in you; save and deliver me from all who pursue me, or they would tear me like a lion and rip me to pieces with no one to rescue me.”

    David spent much of his life fleeing from Saul as he tried to kill him or have him killed. 1 Samuel chapters 18 through 26 record where King Saul tried to kill David 21 times. If there was anyone in the Bible that needed to take refuge, it was David, and he found it in the Lord.

    The Bible is clear that those who have sincerely committed themselves to God may with all confidence take refuge in the Lord and commit their life situations to him. Sometimes there are unjust and troublesome times that we face, but if we take our confidence in the Lord, if our hearts are clean before the Lord, we can be sure that we can take our refuge in him.

    The word refuge in the Bible is mentioned many times – 98 times in the New International Version and 46 times in the King James Version. Here are some of the ways it is mentioned: towns of refuge; cities of refuge; places of refuge; and shade of refuge.

    But in Psalm 7, David needed God to be his refuge. He says “my shield is God most high who saves the upright in heart” and “God is a righteous judge.”

    Compare this to Psalm 46:1-4, which says “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear though the earth gives way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging, there is a river whose streams make glad the city of God the holy place where the most high dwells.”

    Like David, when we face trials, tribulations, and sickness in this life, there is no higher place that we can go except a holy God who loves us and is there for us. For He said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5). Therefore, with all confidence we can take our needs before the Lord, for He cares for us.

    Today’s song from Psalm 7: Will Gray & Ruthie

    “Psalm 7: My Refuge”

  • Day 6

    Psalm 8: How Majestic Is Your Name

    Marc Avila [Editor's note: Marc is a next-generation New Life family member; we are excited for our next-gen students to participate as facilitators.]

    Psalm 8 talks about and repeats "majestic name," "Lord your majestic name" to tell you how majestic He is. It adds more information and talks about His power.

    Today's song from Psalm 8: Gabriel

    "I Put My Hope In You"

  • Day 7

    Psalm 9: I Will Recount Your Wonderful Deeds

    Jennifer Rummel

    In the first two verses of this psalm, David lists four “I will” statements. These “I will” statements are the perfect way to begin our prayer time with God.

    “I will praise you, O Lord, with all my heart;” How often do we enter into prayer or worship with our minds on other things, other worries? With all my heart obviously doesn’t mean half-heartedly, it means with complete devotion given willingly.  Focusing all of ourselves into worship not because we should but because we want to. This is what God not only desires but deserves.

    “I will tell of all your wonders.” David wanted to tell others all that God was doing for him. Remembering and telling others what God has done for you is praising God. What a great reminder to spend just a moment thanking God for the wonderful things He has done throughout history, the miraculous things He has done in your life and the things He has planned in the future. How amazing it is that we can thank Him for providing the ultimate sacrifice for sin and for our eternal life!

    “I will be glad and rejoice in you;” David’s life wasn’t perfect; he definitely had his ups and downs. However, he made a choice to be glad regardless of his circumstances. We can’t always rejoice in our circumstances, but we can resolve to always rejoice in our Lord.

    “I will sing praise to your name, O Most High.” David had already said he would praise the Lord but now he says he will SING praise. There is something powerful about singing praise that honors and celebrates the character of God, recognizing Him as the “Most High.” For truly, He is perfect and holy and deserving of our praise.

    Today's song from Psalm 9: Saints Praising

    "O Lord Most High"

  • Day 8

    Psalm 10: Why Do You Hide Yourself?

    Lance Rummel

    The prompt: Why do you hide yourself? A painful question that often burrows itself in our minds during times of trouble. We wonder, “How, God, can you allow these things to happen, not only to your people, but also to good, kind people who may not know or seek you?” We see people around us, wicked people, who seemingly not only get away with everything they scheme to do, but even flourish and reap vast rewards while opposing God. They are proud, arrogant, boastful and confident.


    But as we know, God does see. He is not in hiding. You see, we often want God to act in the manner we see fit, at the time we want, in hopes of avoiding pain and suffering. Deep down, we even want to see the evil person suffer the affliction of God.


    God’s plan is that man come to repentance before Him. Jesus was offered as a sacrifice for all. The remedy for these evil people will either be salvation with hearts that turn to God, believing in Jesus as their savior, or judgement. Our timing is not God’s timing. Our perception of his eyes being closed is not abandonment, but rather the working of his plan for mankind.

    Today's song from Psalm 10: The SHIYR Poets

    "On This Troubled Day"

  • Day 9

    Psalm 11, 12, 13: The LORD Is in His Holy Temple; The Faithful Have Vanished; How Long, O LORD?

    Nino Avila

    This is how much our Father in Heaven loves us: that in each one of our days, He knows exactly how to reach us. His word shows us that as a father He provides, protects, and covers us in His love. In His counsel and example that He gives us, He wants us to build up strength, maturity and obedience. His love will never fail and His light will shine on the righteous path we are meant to follow. 

    No matter what opposition we face, our faith in Jesus builds our hearts to endure the struggles, and they are not without purpose. We must remember not to rely only on our own self, but instead we should remember to stay in relationship with our Lord Jesus. Let us always find Jesus in our hearts and praise His holy name.

    Today's song from Psalm 13: Sovereign Grace Music

    "How Long, O Lord, How Long?"

  • Day 10

    Psalm 14, 15: The Fool Says, There Is No God; Who Shall Dwell on Your Holy Hill?

    New Life Facilitator

    Throughout its history, the Church has set the Psalms to music and sung their truth to the musical genres of the day. Today we share a hymn setting of Psalm 14 entitled "The God Who Sits Enthroned on High". Appreciate the poetic quality of the verses:

    1 The God Who sits enthroned on high
    The foolish in their heart deny;
    Not one does good; corrupt in thought,
    Unrighteous works their hands have wrought.

    2 From heaven the Lord with searching eye
    Looked down the sons of men to try,
    To see if any understood
    And sought for God, the only good.

    3 From righteousness they all depart,
    Corrupt are all, and vile in heart;
    yea, every man has evil done;
    Not one does good, not even one.

    4 Has knowledge with the wicked failed,
    That they My people have assailed,
    That they delight in works of shame,
    And call not on Jehovah's Name?

    5 Thy lowly servant they despise,
    Because he on the Lord relies;
    But they shall tremble yet in fear,
    For to the righteous God is near.

    6 O that from Zion His abode
    Salvation were on us bestowed!
    When God His exiles shall restore,
    They shall in song His grace adore.

    Today's song from Psalm 14: Providence Church

    "The God Who Sits Enthroned on High"

  • Day 11

    Psalm 16: You Will Not Abandon My Soul

    Eric Avila

    We must understand, with all of the turmoil going on the world, whether it be religious fighting, or political unrest, or more minor things like the daily battles we face, we can find peace in the Lord. His presence is there to calm us and bring peace to our hearts, it is our safe space. No good can happen outside of His presence, or His will, and that is why we must learn to dwell in it.

    In the world, many of these problems stem from one thing, the enemy, but more specifically the false gods, or idols he creates and places in our life. These can be obvious things that we know to avoid, like someone re-writing The Word to fit another agenda. However, it can also be more “sneaky” ones like the things that we enjoy, such as hobbies or items that have slowly crept up higher on our priorities list than God. We must not fall victim to these things of the world, or “drink from their offerings”, for the Lord is the who we’ve chosen to follow, and if we do so with all our hearts we surely will have peace.

    By blessing his name, God will guide us onto unique paths He has carved out for each one of us, paths that end with everlasting peace and eternal life. And it is only through His teachings that these pleasures will be made known to us.

    Today's song from Psalm 16: Shane and Shane

    "Psalm 16 (Fullness of Joy)"

  • Day 12

    Psalm 17: In The Shadow of Your Wings

    Naomi Philip

    David is having an open and honest conversation to God of his desire to want to be righteous like Him and have protection and favor from Him. When we strive to live a life that is righteous and of God, our life changes. We must have the faith to surrender it all and give God the power to our lives. This is a declaration of our faithfulness to the ways of the Lord. In verse 7 it says, ”Show me your unfailing love in wonderful ways. By your mighty power you rescue those who seek refuge from their enemies.“ God is our refuge, provider, and unfailing love. He will rescue you when you first seek him. We deserve none of this but he still loves us anyway. His love is unconditional. He keeps us underneath His wing.

    Today's song from Psalm 17: Rashell Pearce

    "Apple of Thine Eye"

  • Day 13

    Psalm 18:1-15: The LORD Is My Rock and My Fortress (Part 1)

    Brittany Umphress

    The very first thing that caught my attention is the first sentence David wrote, “I love you, oh Lord, my strength.”

    This simple phrase orients David’s focus to how he loves the Lord, recognizing the Lord is his strength.

    The second thing I noticed is that David repeats “the Lord is my rock” and goes on to say the Lord is a rock, fortress, refuge, stronghold, a shield. When reading each word, there are differences but several similarities that really catch my interest. When I think of rock, fortress, shield, refuge and stronghold, I think of the Lord being steadfast, unmoving. A safe haven.

    In verses 4-5, David begins to share about the distress he is facing. But he doesn’t stay in that place. In verse 6, he calls upon the Lord. Have you ever been in a place of distress or despair? Sometimes all we can manage in that moment is a cry out to the Lord. And that small, feeble cry is sometimes all that is needed. It’s a step forward, a call for help. And the Lord WILL answer. He hears us.

    When the Lord answered David, the very foundations of the world were shaken, nothing could stand in His way. The Lord is our Deliverer. He gives us refuge, He is our stronghold, He is steadfast, He is our fortress.

    Today's song from Psalm 18: Jon Egan

    "Not Be Moved"

  • Day 14

    Psalm 18:16-30: The LORD Is My Rock and My Fortress (Part 2)

    New Life Facilitator

    For today's reflection we're going to have a bit of a "Throwback Thursday" and revisit some of the songs that have been written from Psalm 18 and sung in the church. Enjoy these tunes from the 70s, 80s, and 90s.

    Today's songs from Psalm 18: 

    John Waller

    "But God"

    Matthew Ward



    "God is My Rock"

    Marty Nystrom

    "I Will Call Upon the Lord"

    And, for those who went to children's church in the 70's...

    The Genesis Singers

    "I Can Run Through a Troup"

  • Day 15
    Psalm 18:31-50: The LORD Is My Rock and My Fortress (Part 3)

    David W. Barnett, Lead Pastor

    The preface to this psalm indicates that it is a song of victory for David. He begins with a declaration of who God is in vv. 1-3. Verses 4-6 describe David's problem and need. Verses 7-15 tell of God's awakening response to David's cry. Verses 16-19 declare God's salvation and verses 20-30 explain why God responded favorably to David -- because David had been righteous.

    Beginning with verse 31, we begin to see the outcome of God's response to David. David is fully equipped for battle (vv. 31-36) and because of God's provision he triumphs over his enemies (vv. 37-42) and becomes king over them (vv. 43-45).

    And then, David offers praise to God in parallel to his declaration of who God is from vv. 1-3. Note the recurring language of "rock" and "salvation":

         The LORD is my ROCK and my fortress and my deliverer,

         my God, my ROCK, in whom I take refuge,

         my shield, and the horn of my SALVATION, my stronghold. (v. 2)

    compared to

         The LORD lives, and blessed be my ROCK,

         and exalted be the God of my SALVATION (v. 46)

    We praise You, Lord, that you know our need, You hear our cry, You equip us, You intervene on our behalf, and You cause us to triumph and reign over our enemies. For this, we praise and exalt You.

    Today's song from Psalm 18: Psalm Project Africa
  • Day 16

    Psalm 19: The Law of the LORD Is Perfect

    Ben Kapuya

    The law of the Lord is perfect.  This is true because God's law through His word remains relevant forever (Isaiah 40:8). It is still applicable today and a source of inspiration to solve life's problems. The law of the Lord is unlike the laws of the world, which are imperfect; they do not give real solutions to the problems of both society and individual problems, and also men change these laws every day.


    Men have made a law that forbids drugs--which is good. Yet despite law enforcement, drug crime recidivism is still high.  Once a criminal gets out of prison, they start again. But when the same person encounters Jesus Christ, he becomes a new creature (John 3:3). He quits drugs. He is free from addiction. He is a restored person.  This person becomes wise to the point of testifying how bad drugs are. Nobody feels unsafe because of him anymore.

    Jesus Christ died for our sins, giving us power according to the Law of God to become God's children (John 1:12). God's law is not to return evil for evil, but to forgive no matter what, to pray for our enemies and those who persecute us. These are simple attitudes, but they prevent us from living in hatred and make us fully free. And every time God is working, our eyes are opened, and we rejoice. (Psalm 34:5)

    Today's song from Psalm 19: Acappella

    "More Precious Than Gold"

  • Day 17
    Psalm 20: Trust in the Name of the Lord Our God

    Kimber Ceja

    The reflection for today is about prayer and belief in the Lord. From this verse we can learn how to call out to the Lord and to believe in Him. In life we will all face trials and make mistakes, but in this verse we know that we can learn and move on from that, all we need to do is trust in the Lord. All people will have highs and lows, but God can lead us through it, as long as we have faith and call out to Him.

    This verse is also a blessing to others, praying that God will protect and be with them, blessing them wherever they might go. This can be observed through the quote “May the name of the God of Jacob protect you.”

    In conclusion, this chapter of Psalms is a blessing and a prayer calling out to God in faith, willing to trust Him and bring Him the victory.

    Today's song from Psalm 20: Steve Green

    "We Trust in the Name of the Lord Our God"

  • Day 18

    Psalm 21: The King Rejoices in the LORD's Strength

    New Life Facilitator

    Psalm 21 is considered a companion of Psalm 20. The two paired together represent a faith statement that the Lord will help His anointed followed by a declaration of praise that He did it. Note the before/after example:

    * Psalm 20:4-5 "May he grant you your heart's desire and fulfill all your plans! May we shout for joy over your salvation, and in the name of our God set up our banners! May the LORD fulfill all your petitions!"

    * Psalm 21:1-2 "O LORD, in your strength the king rejoices, and in your salvation how greatly he exults! 2 You have given him his heart's desire and have not withheld the request of his lips."

    David is acknowledging two vital truths in these psalms. First, he recognizes that he needs the Lord's intervention to achieve his victory. Second, when David is victorious, he gives credit where it belongs -- to the Lord, not to himself. The lesson is important for us; when we know that we are incapable of success without God's intervention and ask Him to act on our behalf, we need to be very careful not to take credit for ourselves. The glory belongs to God alone, as David declares in the last verse: Psalm 21:13 "Be exalted, O LORD, in your strength! We will sing and praise your power."

    Today's song from Psalm 20: My Soul Among Lions

    "Song of the King (Psalm 21)"

  • Day 19

    Psalm 22:1-18: Why Have You Forsaken Me? (Part 1)

    David W Barnett, Lead Pastor

    Of all the psalms that appear in the New Testament, Psalm 22 is perhaps the most significant of all in connecting Jesus to the lineage of David and the promise of Messiah. All four gospel writers quote from Psalm 22 in describing the events of Jesus' crucifixion. The Gospel of Matthew, which was written from a Jewish frame of reference and toward a Jewish audience, quotes four times from Psalm 22:

    * Psalm 22:1, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?", in Matthew 27:46

    * Psalm 22:7, "They hurl insults, shaking their heads", in Matthew 27:39

    * Psalm 22:8, "He trusted on the Lord that he would deliver him: let him deliver him, seeing he delighted in him", in Matthew 27:43

    * Psalm 22:18, "They divide my clothes among them and cast lots for my garment", in Matthew 27:35

    These passages don't sound very messianic or triumphant. In fact, Psalm 22 was written by David at a profoundly low point in his life. David is choosing to worship God in spite of his suffering. He realizes that, even in his desperation, God is still on His throne. As Jesus took on the sin of all mankind once and for all, as He felt the weight of the shame, rejection, and anguish, He remains anchored to the eternal truth that in the working out of God's will, weeping may last for the night, but joy comes in the morning (Psalm 30:5). The triumph of Messiah will only come on the other side of the shame and infamy of the cross.

    Today's song from Psalm 22: Aaron Shust

    "Forsaken (Psalm 22)"

  • Day 20

    Psalm 22:19-31: Why Have You Forsaken Me? (Part 2)

    Jazmine Atkinson, Media Pastor

    Today’s reflection takes on the second half of Psalms 22! Psalms 22, as many of the other chapters, is very emotional. Feeling forsaken by the Lord is devastating as you can plainly see throughout the whole first half of the chapter - but verses 19-31 show a complete turnaround in the tone of the prayer.

    Rather than yelling at God wondering where He is, King David turns to the people to let them know God has, in fact, NOT forsaken them and looks to God to praise Him for all that He is. God hears their cries and He is near to them. A prayer of sorrow and self loathing turns to a prayer of adoration and praise.

    It is a true testament to our own lives when feel low on God’s priority list. The important thing to remember though, is He hears us when we are weary and would never leave us when we need Him most.

    Today's song from Psalm 22: Robert Robinson

    "He Has Done It (Psalm 22:27, 29-31)"

  • Day 21
    Psalm 23: The LORD Is My Shepherd

    Elizabeth Henry [Editor's note: Elizabeth is a next-generation New Life family member; we are excited for our next-gen students to participate as facilitators.]

    I believe that Psalm 23 shows that the Lord guides us; He helps us find the right path. Even if sometimes we struggle or question, we konw that the Lord will show us the correct path. The Lord is really like a shepherd because whenever we are lost, or can't find the Lord, He comes to us so that we can find Him. The Lord will continue to protect, go after, comfort, and rescue us because He loves us. The Lord is our Shepherd, because He leads us to righteousness.

    Today's song from Psalm 23: Shane and Shane

  • Day 22

    Psalm 24: The King of Glory

    D'Angelo Hawkins [Editor's note: D'Angelo is a next-generation New Life family member; we are excited for our next-gen students to participate as facilitators.]

    Everyone and everything belongs to God. Only the righteous can worship in the Lord's house. You must have pure and  worthy motives. With clean hands that are not stained with evil.

    We have to examine our hearts daily. When we receive Jesus, we are sealed with the Holy Spirit. The gates of our spirit are closed, we become new a creation.


    In conclusion, God is strong in all battles. He cares about our behavior: to be kind and honest with righteous deeds, not evil deeds. God is faithful to us in the time of trouble.

    Today's song from Psalm 24: Psalm Project Africa

    "Psalm 24"

  • Day 23

    Psalm 25: Teach Me Your Paths

    Nancy Philip

    David is going through trials in his life, but he rests in the fact that God is always there for him. David trusts in the Lord, and says those who trust in God will never be disgraced.

    David talks about his path and how he continues to have faith that God will guide him. I relate to this personally as I have pursued my education. I have worked on my graduate degree for several years, and I have trusted that God will provide everything I need and will help me through struggling to balance work and school. Even when we feel as if the odds are against us, or there is no one in our corner, we can rest assured that God always provides the guidance we need to follow through with the plan He has set for our lives.

    As a child, my parents told me that if you’re faithful to the Lord, He will bless you. As each year passes, and as I continue to be faithful to Him in every aspect of my life, I can confirm that God has honored my dedication. God has provided all my needs and a loving support circle around me that encourages and prays for me daily. I have been blessed to the brim with people in my life who continue to speak words of life and pour wisdom into my own life.

    In v.15, keeping our eyes on Jesus links us to the Holy Spirit, which allows us to know whether we are following God's path or our flesh. When we rely on God for the guidance we need for decisions in our lives, we are led on a path of blessings and continued support.

    At the end, King David makes a final plea to the Lord for all his mistakes; he begs for forgiveness and asks for continued protection from those who want to harm him. I admire that David knows he is human and he makes mistakes. Even though he was royalty, he comes to the Lord humbly and asks for forgiveness. No matter how many times we mess up, God will always be there to take our hand and help us out of the mess that we have created on our own. We must have faith that God will always be our support and firm foundation.

    Today's song from Psalm 25: The Acappella Company

    "Unto Thee, O Lord"

  • Day 24

    Psalm 26: I Will Bless the LORD

    New Life Facilitator [Today's reflection is from the pen of the great preacher and theologian Charles H. Spurgeon, as found in his 1869 book "Treasury of David".]

    "For I have walked in mine integrity." He held integrity as his principle, and walked in it as his practice. David had not used any traitorous or unrighteous means to gain the crown, or to keep it; he was conscious of having been guided by the noblest principles of honour in all his actions with regard to Saul and his family. What a comfort it is to have the approbation of one's own conscience! If there be peace within the soul, the blustering storms of slander which howl around us are of little consideration. When the little bird in my bosom sings a merry song, it is no matter to me if a thousand owls hoot at me from without.

    Today's song from Psalm 26:  My Soul Among Lions

    "Vindicate Me, O Lord (Psalm 26)"

  • Day 25

    Psalm 27: The LORD Is My Light and My Salvation

    Lynn Stanley

    In a world of fast and instant gratification, it becomes increasingly difficult to wait.

    David tells us to wait on the Lord. In our waiting, he says: “be of good courage.” While we are doing that, the Lord will strengthen our hearts.

    This scripture reminds me that God’s time is not our time. In my requests, sometimes God says yes, sometimes no, and often times He says wait.

    It is in the waiting when the strength comes.

    Today's song from Psalm 27: James Wilson

    "Wait on the Lord"

  • Day 26

    Psalm 28: The LORD Is My Strength and My Shield

    Jean Smith

    The 22 years after my husband Kenneth had his stroke--a severe stroke--were very difficult for both of us. He lost his ability to speak and many other functions. One day I was reading Psalm 28 and verse 7 spoke to my heart: "The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in him, and I am helped: therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth; and with my song will I praise him."

    I still have this verse underlined in all my Bibles. I still claim this promise after all these years.

    Today's song from Psalm 28: Integrity's Hosanna! Music

    "The Lord Is My Strength and My Shield"

  • Day 27

    Psalm 29, Psalm 30: Ascribe to the LORD Glory; Joy Comes In The Morning

    Ben Kapuya

    In everyday life we are always facing issues.  Hard times are not too far. Difficulties are part of our life. But God is in control. His voice is more powerful than anything else. Through the Bible His voice can be heard in our hearts.  Thunder or storm, nothing is a big deal for the almighty God. What do we need to do? To give Him glory He deserves. Obey his prescriptions. 

    The Lord is near to give us strength when we are going through the worst situations. God's blessings are available for us. Every time we need help, God is not sparing anything to answer our prayers. No disease is bigger than the power of God. Just making God happy by our worship and praise. We need to repent our sins. 

    God loves us. He is ready to forgive us and to give us one more chance. This psalm reminds us how the anger of God does not last, especially when we humbly ask for His forgiveness. No worries! We are assured of the divine presence of the Lord as we praise Him. We need to have total faith in God. This quote from Martin Lloyd Jones expresses the good attitude: “Faith is the refusal to panic.”

    Today's song from Psalm 29: CFA Worship/Calie Garrett

    "Holy (Psalm 29)"

    Today's song from Psalm 30: David & Juliana Barnett and X Nihilo

    "Wailing into Dancing"

  • Day 28

    Psalm 31: Into Your Hand I Commit My Spirit

    Charles Umphress

    KJV Notes:

    “In thee, O Lord, do I put my trust; let me never be ashamed: deliver me in thy righteousness.”  (KJV)   Another translation says it this way, “In you, O Lord, do I take refuge; let me never be put to shame; in your righteousness deliver me!” (ESV)

    The opening verse of Psalm 31 sets the tone for the entire Psalm.  Everything that comes after is based on trusting God.

    “…deliver me speedily…” 

    “…be my strong rock…”  

    “For thou art my rock and my fortress…” 

    “Into thine hand I commit my spirit: thou has redeemed me, O Lord God of truth.”

    This last quote reminds me of the Crucifixion.  Wasn’t that what Jesus said?  Hanging on the cross, dying a horrible death, and Jesus’ last words are found in Luke 23:46, “…Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost.”  Jesus knew God’s word.  He had trusted in God the Father his entire life.  He was trusting God the Father in death as well.

    Was that trust justified?  Is that a question that bothers you from time to time? Can we always trust God?  Always?  It may look like a dark time, but Easter is coming.

    Today's song from Psalm 31: Francesca LaRosa

    "Psalm 31 Father, Into Your Hands"

  • Day 29
    Psalm 32: Blessed Are the Forgiven

    David W Barnett, Lead Pastor

    The first and last parts of Psalm 32 are the words of David. But in verses 8 and 9, the speaker changes. We hear the voice of the Lord and His response to David:

    "8 I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you. 9 Be not like a horse or a mule, without understanding, which must be curbed with bit and bridle, or it will not stay near you."

    God is letting David know that He will give David instruction, direction, counsel, and protection, and if David will embrace God's guidance, then David can walk the road of God's direction in confidence. If David doesn't, God suggests that He will still keep David on the path, but it will be through the pain of the bit and the restriction of the bridle. The Lord's bottom line to David is this: don't be a wild horse or a stubborn mule. Allow yourself to be trained up to walk the path of the Master without having to be be forced to do so.

    Today's song from Psalm 32: Steven Curtis Chapman
  • Day 30

    Psalm 33: The Steadfast Love of the LORD

    New Life Facilitator

    Notice the prominence of the word of the Lord in this psalm:

    * Verse 4: For the word of the LORD is upright, and all his work is done in faithfulness.

    * Verse 6: By the word of the LORD the heavens were made, and by the breath of his mouth all their host.

    * Verse 9 For he spoke, and it came to be; he commanded, and it stood firm.

    * Verse 11: The counsel of the LORD stands forever, the plans of his heart to all generations.

    There is power in God's word.

    Today's song from Psalm 33:  Integrity's Hosanna! Music

  • Day 31

    Psalm 34: Taste and See That the LORD is Good

    Jerri Bradshaw

    This Psalm was written when David had to flee King Saul and he ended up before Abimelech.  David was alone and knew King Saul was hunting for him and would kill him if he was found! So when David appeared before Abimelech he was scared and he acted like he was insane. It seems at this early flight from certain death from his father in law, he was very human and was not straightforward in presenting himself before this enemy of Israel. The ploy worked and David was sent away. God still honored the man He had chosen to one day rule over His people. God does not give up on us even when we make mistakes and sin!

    If David had remembered that the Lord was watching over him continually perhaps he would not have depended on his own resources. God Himself watches over us, there is NO need to fear
    God is always interested in providing what we need….we will lack no GOOD thing. His ears are open to our cry. There is nothing that can happen to us that God does not see. He desires to help us and longs to hold us in His arms to provide or comfort us. We may suffer, but God will always bring us through it…not always are we taken out of our sufferings.  Vs 19 “How great is Your goodness, which You have stored up for those who (reverently fear you”.  Jesus suffered terribly on the cross, but no bones were broken.  Vs. 5 states, “Into Your hand I commit my spirit; You have redeemed me, O Lord, the God of truth and faithfulness.”

    This Psalms speaks of what God will do for us. These words are not idle thoughts, these are promises from the God most High and we can “taste and see that the Lord is GOOD”!

    Today's song from Psalm 34: Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir
  • Day 32

    Psalm 35:1-16: Great Is the LORD (Part 1)

    Gabriela Royer

    In the beginning of this passage, David asks the Lord to defend him from those who are against him. He gives several metaphors in this Psalm to illustrate the power the Lord has when He fights for us. Here are some examples he gives that really spoke to me on a deeper level:

    •    “Take up shield and armor; arise and come to my aid”

    •    “May those be like chaff before the wind, with the angel of the Lord driving them away.”

    •    “Brandish spear and javelin against those who pursue me. Say to me, “I am your salvation.”

    After these requests David gives, he says “Who is like you, Lord? You rescue the poor from those too strong for them, the poor and needy from those who rob them.” In my opinion, this is the core of the passage. I interpret this verse as how He protects from those who want to do us harm and enriches us with those who uplift us in a Godly way. We are human and we cannot go through this life alone. We must call on our Lord and follow Him. He promises to be our strong tower and deliver us from evil if we follow Him and pursue a relationship with Him. Life is going to give us trials and tribulations. The beautiful thing is we don’t have to go through them alone. The enemy will attack, but the Lord is stronger and He is on our side! God comes into the defense of those who follow him. Call on him and pray without ceasing!

    Today's song from Psalm 35: Sons of Korah
  • Day 33

    Psalm 35:17-28: Great Is the LORD (Part 2)

    Jackie Stoker

    KJV 35:17
    Lord, how long Lord wilt thou look on? rescue my soul from their destructions, my darling from lions.

    David is confident in God‘s help and so he takes the time to praise God for the future help he believes will come.

    God--in His grace and mercy which He provides every believer with--the Lord will always trump the enemies of his children and take care of the problem of injustices that are caused by those who hate God and his children.

    God is an on-time God in times of trouble.

    Let us learn to maintain our soul in patience and meekness like David, or rather Christ’s example.

    And so, with that David can end this Psalm with praise on his lips.

    Today's song from Psalm 35: Emu Music

    "Who Is Like You?"

  • Day 34
    Psalm 36: How Precious Is Your Steadfast Love

    David W Barnett, Lead Pastor

    This psalm is a great example of the use of comparison and contrast.

    In the first four verses, we get a picture of the wicked person: no fear of God, proud, thinking he can get away with his sin, speaking trouble and deceit, scheming, and embracing evil.

    In the next four verses, we get a contrasting image of God: a steadfast love, righteousness, and wise judgment that extends to the heavens. In God, people find refuge, food and drink, life, and light.

    In the next two verses, the psalmist David asks God to do as He does and keep the wicked one from doing as he or she does. Oh Lord, would you:

    * continue Your steadfast love and righteousness

    * keep the foot of arrogance and the hand of the wicked from me

    And in the last verse, we see the consequences reaped by the wicked: they are fallen, thrust down, and unable to rise.

    Today's song from Psalm 36: Third Day
  • Day 35

    Psalm 37:1-22: He Will Not Forsake His Saints (Part 1)

    Steve Royer

    This passage of Psalm 37:1-22 contrasts the actions of evildoers and those doing good for the LORD. The passage provides encouragement for times that we might be distracted in difficult times, and seeing evildoers seemingly prosper.

    "Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity." I remember reading this passage distinctly in the King James Version when I was in junior high school. I wondered then what it really meant to fret and why I should not fret. Merriam-Webster defines fret as to worry or wear away. The definitions are definitely applicable here. We really should not worry about evildoers getting ahead. If we do, we will wear ourselves down needlessly. Ultimately, evildoers will be cut down and wither. Instead of fretting and being envious, we should trust in the LORD. He will provide for us.

    "Delight thyself in the LORD." We will be more pleasing to God when we focus on Him. The desires of our heart will be given when we are focused on doing good, and not being distracted by the evil gains of those doing wrong.

    We all have challenges. I am encouraged when I read that I should commit my way to the LORD. By trusting in Him, He will bring it to pass.

    The passage closes by contrasting the long-term outcomes: those blessed of Him shall inherit the earth and that the cursed of Him shall be cut off.

    Today's song from Psalm 37: Texas Gulf Coast Jurisdictional Choir

  • Day 36

    Psalm 37:23-40: He Will Not Forsake His Saints (Part 2)

    Mariana Royer

    This Psalm reminds me of family road trips. As we get in the car, our first question is directions. How should we get to our destination? Should we use Google Maps, Map Quest, or the car navigation system? All are decent, but my WAZE app has proven to be the best option. It always gives us the best and most accurate directions. It knows traffic speeds, road closures, and accidents. It warns of items on the road, stalled vehicles, and reminds us to watch our speed. Of all the route options, it chooses the best one for you.  The goal is to get you to your destination safely and on time so that you can fulfill your purpose.

    The second half of Psalm 37 shares that the extraordinary life that has been prepared for us has been pre-planned by the Lord. He has every step calculated; even guard rails have been set up so that we will not slip. Regardless of the obstacles that may arise, we will not be overwhelmed because God’s hand is on us and He has prepared the way. He has provided us the best safety and security team because our own strength is not enough. To follow in the path He has for us, we must seek peace and not prosperity; we must pursue peace and not popularity.

    David contrasts the eternal destinies of the righteous and the wicked. The righteous will inherit the land, reiterating Jesus words in Matthew 5:5 “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” When we continually seek God, we do not have to worry about locating our purpose, our purpose will locate us.

    The psalm ends by reminding us that as we follow the Lord, He will deliver us from the wicked.

    • As a righteous follower, He will protect us from all condemnation.

    • If we wait on Him, we will watch as He destroys all evil.

    • If we remain upright, we will have a future and transgressors will be destroyed.

    Praise God that He is the refuge in a time of distress. If we choose to obey and follow Him, our steps will be ordered because He is the One who makes our paths straight.

    Today's song from Psalm 37: Christopher-David

    “Desire Of My Heart (Psalm 37)”

  • Day 37

    Psalm 38: Do Not Forsake Me, O LORD

    Danielle Royer

    In Psalm 38, we find David in a very difficult and desperate scenario. He has made choices that have left him with grave consequences - his loved ones have deserted him and his opposition seeks to destroy him. His words paint a picture of immense regret and anguish. The weight of the consequences of his actions have physically weakened him to the point that the weight of the shame feels like that of a physical burden and he is clearly mentally and physically distraught. However, instead of shying away from the Father in shame, he eagerly confesses his wrongdoing to the Lord. Despite facing the challenges that came about because of his doing, he continues to proclaim the power of God and rejoice in the restoration He brings to our lives.

    David's posture towards restoring our relationships with God after sinning is something we should all seek to mimic and live out. While asking for forgiveness does not eliminate or diminish the natural repercussions that arise from the decisions we made, the forgiveness we receive is a product of an ever-compassionate and merciful Father. When we fall short, we should be like David in how we go about repenting - outright and wholeheartedly. We can be confident that the Lord is just and will not forsake us despite our iniquities. This psalm is a powerful representation of not only the harm that comes from sin, but also the love that comes from the Father.

    Today's song from Psalm 38:  Jamie Soles

    "Psalm 38 GW 2"

  • Day 38

    Psalm 39: What Is the Measure of My Days?

    Juliana Barnett, Worship Pastor

    In Psalm 39, David responds to God’s discipline in his life.  He is guarding his thoughts, words, and actions when dealing with his enemies.  His prayer to God is to help him “guard” his actions and words so that he does not speak foolishly.  David said, “I was mute with silence, I held my peace even from good.”  

    Maybe it is easier to speak nothing than to speak wisely, especially before wicked people.  But, David’s silence brought him grief and turmoil – “My heart was hot within me…the fire burned.”

    Some might have expected David to defend himself, but instead he asked the Lord for wisdom. David admits he is “frail” and a “vapor”, and he asks the Lord to give him wisdom on how to deal with his enemies.

    David asks God to “make me to know my end” - words that echo the brevity of life.  David describes the span of his life as “handbreadths” which is equivalent to a few inches. He even expresses being a “stranger” with God.  This is different from being a stranger from God.  Even in this bleak statement, David knows that he is not alone.

    David’s conclusion is that the brevity of life is soothed by trusting in God.  

    Today's song from Psalm 39: Anthems of Grace

    "My Only Hope (Psalm 39)"

  • Day 39

    Psalm 40: My Help and My Deliverer

    Thomas Philip

    In Psalm 40, David starts the chapter having full faith that God will lift him from the problems he is facing. He goes through a battle running away from people who are trying to hurt him, and as David runs he still puts his trust in God. David continued to cry to the Lord, and David trusted that the Lord would hear and answer my cries. Sometimes in life we go through situations and problems. God hears your cries and He comes through with His deliverance, mercy, and grace.
    David is praying through his song to the Lord, he is proclaiming that God is bigger than the situation he is in. He is having faith that God will deliver him from his troubles.
    Throughout this chapter, David continues to show God’s help and deliverance through his problems. We see that God is helping David out of the problems he is facing. God is bigger than our problems, He is answering our prayers, and we can have faith in Him.  

    Today's song from Psalm 40: Monterey Music Live on the Rooftop
  • Day 40

    Psalm 41: O LORD, Be Gracious to Me

    Joshua Bednaz

    The Simplicity of God’s Care

    It’s amazing how God never changes. Even going back to the times of David, God’s heart is to love your neighbor as yourself. And David understands this by starting off talking about people who take care of the poor. From there he talks about all the things God will bless you with; your only job is to love your neighbor as yourself and God will take care of you, protect you, heal you and he will take care of your enemies.

    From there David is reflecting on all the troubles he has. Often times we let the enemy focus us in on our circumstances. We fall like Peter into the water when we take our eyes off Jesus. We might not be a king like David – who has a real fear of people killing him – and yet we are so tangled up in our egos that we boil up all our troubles to the size that only a king would have to deal with, all while we let the enemy of our soul whisper in our ears. Yet in many cases the King that should take care of these problems is our loving father in heaven.

    But then after that, David ends with a reminder of how gracious God is. All we need to do is be consistent in our lives and remind ourselves of God's promises and favor, which all goes back to how it starts: we simply do the work God gave us and love our neighbor as ourself. God will take care of everything else in our lives.

    Today's song from Psalm 41: The Psalms Project (feat. Jon DeGroot)

    "Psalm 41 (In Your Presence Forever)"